Writing A Facebook Bio That Attracts Followers And Fans

L. C. McLaughlin
3 min readMay 17, 2021

Facebook Basics For Small Business

Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash

When you have an online business, your bio is what people will see first. So writing a Facebook bio that attracts followers and fans is so important.

Many people struggle on what to write, how to write it, or what to include, crafting your bio can be tough. But sharing your strengths, skills, and unique talent doesn’t have to be difficult. Remember, your Facebook bio isn’t only about your professional achievements. It’s a way to digitally introduce yourself and your business.

Visitors to your Facebook profile need to understand what it is you do and how you do it better than anyone else. Your bio helps build trust. If your brand bio is clear, visitors will be more likely to keep following and buy what you are offering.


Quick grab and pen and paper, let’s brainstorm! Start a list of keywords including your interests, асtivitiеѕ, philosophies аnd accomplishments. Keep theѕе personal fоr nоw. Write down everything that comes to mind.

Think аbоut how реорlе dеѕсribе уоu and what you do. Pick 15–20 keywords, pick 3 or 4 оf thе mоѕt specific keywords. For your business keywords go to Google Search. Type in 2 or 3 word phrases that your audience would use when searching for your business/service.

Buffer has a great article on How To Find Your Niche if you’re unsure of how to nail down what niche you’re in.

Bonus Tip: Ask your close friends and Facebook followers “How would you describe me and what I do?” You will get a lot of idеаѕ!

What you want to use in your keywords:

Company name

Your name (if personal brand)




Using Hive Reality as an example, keywords might be:

“Realtor Los Angeles”

“Best realtor Los Angeles”

“Real estate agent Los Angeles”

Your next step is placing those keywords into your bio. This doesn’t mean shoving each one on top of the other into your bio.

Here’s the difference:

Hive Reality Los Angeles does the fastest deals in town vs.

Hive Reality has the hardest working real estate agents in Los Angeles

See and hear the difference? The first one sounds boring while the second one is more personal and organic.


Using a little humor to show off your personality is a great way to help you stand out. Humor also makes yourself relatable to your audience. People want to get to you and you want them to trust you so they buy from you. Don’t hesitate to share information like your interests outside of work, your hometown, the music you like, and your pets names/breeds. Anything that shows people who you are.

So, if we pull that together, this is what it sounds like:

I am _(since Facebook shows your name you can put a nickname or your title)_____(insert name & title) and I work with ____________________ (insert ideal client) who is struggling with ____________________________ (insert your audience’s struggle) by __________________ (your superpower) so they can ________________ (insert desires/results).

This can be written in sentence form or as bullet points.

Not only does this become your Facebook bio, but it’s also your 30-second “elevator pitch.” You’ll use it on social media and in person to describe who you are, what you do, and who you help.


If you’re in Network Marketing, DO NOT include the link to your business or business name. You want your followers to ask you about it. If you have the name and link, they can check it out via google.

In most cases, they will find and focus on the bad reviews. (Because unhappy people leave in the moment reviews without all the facts/background). And guess what happens then? You lose them before you even get a chance to talk to them about your experience with the product, service, or opportunity.

Can I help you rewrite your bio? Shoot me a comment or email and let’s work together on making a stand out bio.



L. C. McLaughlin

Writing about entrepreneurship, social media, mindset and business. Published in Illumination Illumination Curated. www.socialgrowthcoach.com